Hello, my friend — and welcome!

It truly so wonderful to have you here. 

My name is Rose, and I'm a lifestyle editor and children's author — with, I hope, my first picture book coming soon! 

But, since you're here, you may already know that. 

So what am I doing here, then?

Good question. Well, when I signed with my agent, the amazing Christie Megill (hi, Christie!) at The CAT Agency, last month, I knew I needed to finally launch my own website. I wanted it to be a hub for both my journalism work, which spans more than a decade, and (fingers crossed!) my upcoming children's books — with more of a focus on the latter. 

It's a funny little thing, though, talking about something that isn't quite out in the world yet, which made deciding what I wanted to say about it all a little bit tricky…

And yet, I have so much to say! About writing, and reading, and research, and the industry. There's so much we CAN get into! So I'd like to share some of that, with the hope that it might be useful (and maybe even occasionally entertaining?). 

So that's where I'm at currently! This blog is very much a work in progress that will surely evolve over time. But if you like to talk books — especially kid lit! — and writing, with maybe a bit of travel talk in between (your girl's frequently on the move! And finding inspiration while she's at it), then I think you're in the right place. 

And I'm very happy to have you here. 

Next up: My writing playlist — in which I wax poetic on Taylor Swift and BTS. (I know, you're in for a WILD ride.) 

XO, Rose


Spring Fling ‘24!
